Over 25 years of commitments to beekeeping
Véto-pharma is a pharmaceutical laboratory dedicated to honey bees health that develops, produces and markets a range of drugs and products designed to combat the key diseases and problems that threaten colonies.
Véto-pharma’s team of passionate and highly committed experts exports French know-how through the distribution of its products to more than 35 countries worldwide.
Véto-pharma is today a world leader in honey bee health and the only pharmaceutical player in the honey bee industry located in France.

Innovation & support
At Véto-pharma, we believe that supporting beekeepers is as important as being innovative for honey bees health. That’s why we provide you with a large knowledge base.
You will find on this website a library of resources (presentations, fact sheets, white papers, …). But also a registration form to join our newsletter community, as well as a direct access to our blog.
Finally, social networks are for us a place of exchange and sharing. You will find the latest beekeeping news or video tutorials.
Vétopharma contributes to securing our food future
As a laboratory dedicated to animal health, Véto-pharma plays a significant role in preserving ecosystems and ensuring the quality of our food. More than 30% of food crops depend on pollinating insects, such as bees, highlighting the crucial importance of pollination for the survival of human populations.

This new 20-page guide, co-written with Gérald Therville, a French veterinarian, will help you implement effective Integrated Pest Management.

In this video, Frank from Mann Lake discusses with commercial beekeeper Billy Fussell his successful use of Amiflex.

Need some help on how to apply or use Amiflex? Watch this video from FoxHound Bee Company

In this 1 minute video, discover how to use VespaCatch Select, specifically designed to combat the Asian hornet.

Find it out in this 4 minutes video if amitraz will be the next beekeeping miticide becoming completely ineffective?

This 4-page brochure provides information on the new “VespaCatch Select” selective trap for Yellow-legged hornets.

How to use MegaBee to feed your bees?
Discover how to use MegaBee, a protein supplement for bees. Perfect for spring, autumn and stressful situations. Improve colony health with versatile feeding options and varied formats.

Why use a protein supplement like MegaBee?
Increase the longevity of your bees with MegaBee, the protein supplement that improves hive nutrition and resistance. Ideal for beekeepers in critical periods.

MegaBee: a new product to boost the health of your bees
Discover MegaBee, the pollen substitute that improves the health, longevity and nutrition of your bees. Ideal for beekeepers looking for strong, healthy hives.

Products for bees made using solar energy
Table of Contents In a world where every action matters to preserve our planet, we have decided to take concrete action. At Véto-pharma, our mission goes beyond protecting the health of bees, these precious guardians of biodiversity. We are also committed to reducing our ecological footprint as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach.… Continue reading Products for bees made using solar energy

Winter hive management: ensuring healthy bees through the cold season
Learn essential winter hive bees management tips to keep your colony healthy, reduce losses, and ensure survival through the cold months.

Clinical case: Varroa management challenges in Iberian Black Bee colonies
Clinical case on managing Varroa destructor in Iberian bee colonies, highlighting challenges, monitoring strategies, and treatment for colony health.