NEW APIVAR! Now available in the USA, Canada and New Zealand!
With the new Apivar “Easy Rip” strips, you can tear several layers of strips in one move. Compared with the previous version of Apivar, you can now rip 3 times as many strips in the same amount of time. Say “bye-bye” to the hassle of separating Apivar strips and save a ton of time!
This new version of Apivar comes in packs of 4, 12, and 60 strips. You can purchase the most suitable packs for your operation, whether you run 1 or 1000 hives. Lose no strips, lose no penny thanks to these new packaging sizes.
Apivar: The trusted amitraz strip
Apivar is the only registered amitraz-based treatment against varroa mites. It comes in the form of plastic strips to insert into the hive.
Easy to use, Apivar requires only one application and can be used without temperature constraints.1 Manufactured in France since 1995, our know-how ensures a consistent quality of the product.

A unique formulation
Apivar is manufactured using a unique formulation with only two components: amitraz (the active molecule) and the plastic polymer. A simple composition that respects bees and hive products.
The polymer has been specifically selected to ensure a continuous, long-term release of amitraz throughout the treatment period, allowing several generations of varroa mites to be targeted in a single application.
The vacuum preservation system allows Apivar to be stored for up to 2 years after manufacture, without adding excipients to guarantee the stability.
Ease of use
Applying Apivar is easy. Simply place 1 strip for 5 frames of bees (usually 2 strips per brood chamber). A single application corresponds to a full treatment.
Apivar can be used at any time of year (provided there is activity in the hive, as the treatment works by contact), and without temperature constraints.1 No need to monitor your thermometer and estimate temperature peaks throughout the treatment. That’s one stress less for you and your colonies.
Disclaimer: This webpage is designed for US and Canadian customers. Apivar labeling may vary depending on your region. Please refer to your local Apivar label for instructions for use.

Efficacy and winter survival
Recent efficacy studies have demonstrated a consistent efficacy of Apivar between 96% and 99.8%, even in the countries where Apivar has been used for 25 years.2-3-4
However, high treatment efficacy is not the only indicator of treatment success. Winter survival rate is a relevant indicator to assess treatment outcome and management strategy. A report based on 10 years of studies (2010-2020) has shown a difference in the mortality rate of colonies depending on the varroa treatment used.
The last published review showed that colonies treated with Apivar had an average of 16% winter losses versus 21% for illegal amitraz, 24% for Apistan and MAQS, 28% for thymol-based drugs, and 35% for VarroMed (only approved in Europe). Colonies that have not been treated reported a 49% loss.5
Pharmaceutical quality
Apivar is manufactured in France in accordance with European Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and meets strict pharmaceutical quality standards.
The selected amitraz is of French origin and of pharmaceutical quality, superior to the level required by European quality standards.
Strict controls and analyses are carried out for each batch before marketing. Batches that do not meet the regulatory standards and characteristics of the product are not marketed. In case of anomaly, they are discarded and destroyed. Quality and reliability are a priority for us.

Apivar 4-minutes video tutorial [US/Canada version]
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Everything you need to know about Apivar strips in less than 4 minutes of video.

Learn everything about the new Apivar “Easy Rip” strips in less than 1 minute!

8-pages brochure to better undertand how Apivar works, its key advantages, and when/how to use it in your colonies to control varroa mites.

Practical sheet summarizing the key tips for using the Apivar treatment: where to insert the strips, how long, when to reposition them, etc.

A popular guide for beekeepers summarizing all the information about varroa mites: biology, mite monitoring and treatment strategy.

What’s new with Apivar strips
The contents of this page are intended for the American public. The instructions for use of the miticites mentioned comply with US regulations. One of our team goals for 2022 was to give you a better experience with our amitraz-based treatment, Apivar strips. We have made a couple of changes to help you to save valuable time.… Continue reading What’s new with Apivar strips

Treatment with Apivar lowers DWV titers and reduces honey bees’ susceptibility towards agricultural pesticides
The damaging effects of high varroa mite infestation and high prevalence of DWV (Deformed Wing Virus) on honey bee colony health are well known and continue to be a widely investigated subject.

Want an extra boost for your Apivar efficacy? It’s all about scraping and repositioning.
Many of you are looking for tips to optimize the efficacy of your mite treatments, especially when facing a high mite load before treatment. Here you will learn a simple tip, validated by two field studies, allowing you to boost your Apivar treatment efficacy.

Most asked questions concerning Apivar
No need to introduce Apivar anymore! It is probably the most used registered miticide in the United States, and beekeepers have LOT of questions on specific cases or scenarios of use. As sometimes the label is not enough to answer all of them, Phil Craft, who addresses questions from North American beekeepers every day, has made a top ten of the most frequently asked questions that he usually receives.

A behind-the-scenes look at Apivar: find out more about its manufacturing
Did you know that in Europe, the treatments to combat Varroa destructor are registered as veterinary medicines? For instance, the manufacturing of Apivar is strictly supervised by the European and national authorities.
1- According to Apivar labeling, there is no temperature constraint during the treatment application. However, the packs of Apivar should be stored in a cool, dry area, out of direct sunlight. Olmstead et al. – Apivar® and Bayvarol® suppress varroa mites in honey bee colonies in Canadian Maritime Provinces – J. Acad. Entomol. Soc. 15: 46-49 (2019)
2- Ensayo de eficacia Apivar (Campaña 2019) – Pinofranqueado (Cáceres) – EUROMIEL
3–Testapi – Rapport d’étude 302-2017 (GLP Study)
4- Testapi – Rapport d’étude 353-2018 (GLP Study)
5- Regional study report “Pertes hivernales 2010-2020 en Alsace”. Chamber of Agriculture of the Alsace Region Ballis A. – May 2020