The first 3 in 1 varroa monitoring tool

Varroa EasyCheck is a practical tool for easy varroa infestation monitoring on adult bees.

Alcohol wash, sugar roll, CO2 injection… These 3 methods are now available in the same tool. It’s up to you to choose the method that suits you best!

The first 3 in 1 varroa monitoring tool
Alcohol wash

Alcohol wash

Alcohol wash consists of immersing a sample of bees into alcohol and then gently shaking the EasyCheck to detach the phoretic mites so they can be counted.

Advantages: fast and easy, it is recognized as the most accurate, reliable and economical option for beekeepers.1-2

Icing sugar roll

With this method, the bees are rolled with powdered sugar, causing the mites to separate from the bees.

The EasyCheck is then gently shaken, causing the sugar and the mites to pass through the white basket’s holes.

Advantages : Inexpensive and keep the sample of bees alive.

Icing sugar roll
CO2 injection

CO2 injection

In the CO2 method, bees and mites are rendered unconscious by exposure to carbon dioxide gas.

The sample of anesthetized bees is then gently shaken in the EasyCheck, causing the mites to fall from the bees.

Advantages: fast and keep the sample of bees alive. Research conducted in Europe indicated results similar in accuracy to alcohol wash.1

How many honey bees must be placed into the Varroa EasyCheck?

There are two lines on the white basket of the Varroa EasyCheck. The lower line corresponds to about 200 bees and the upper line corresponds to 300 bees.

We advise you to take 300 bees to obtain the most accurate results possible. In the case of weaker colonies, you can reduce this number to 200 bees.

You will obtain your infestation percentage by dividing the number of varroa found by 2 (if 200 bees) or 3 (if 300 bees). For example, if you find 5 varroa mites with 300 bees, you have an infestation percentage of 5/3 = 1.66%.

How many honey bees must be placed into the Varroa EasyCheck?

Want to purchase a Varroa EasyCheck?

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1- Efficiency of Varroa monitoring methods, the benefits of standardized monitori ng devices. Ludovic de Feraudy, Dr. Ulrike Marsky& Ph.D. Jiri Danihlik. – Apimondia 2019 proceeding. 
2- Honey Bee Health Coalition – Tools for Varroa Management 7th edition, Page 7
