Complete Presentation Based on Two Reference Books on the Vespa velutina:
- “Le frelon asiatique” by Eric Darrouzet, published by SNA (2019)
- Special Issue “Mieux lutter contre le frelon asiatique”, published by UNAF (2020)
Table of Contents
Vespa velutina: From Asia to Europe
- Hornets Around the World
- Expansion of Vespa velutina in France and Europe
Biology of the Yellow-legged Hornet
- Differences Between Vespa crabro and Vespa velutina
- The Queen
- The Workers
- The Males
- The Gynes (= Foundresses)
- Communication Between Individuals
A Season in a Hornet Colony
- Winter: Hibernation and Emergence of Foundresses
- Spring: Primary Nests and Brood Development
- Summer: Secondary Nests, Worker Feeding, and Beehive Predation
- Autumn: Reproduction, Fate of Nests at the End of the Season
Predators of the Yellow-legged Hornet
- Birds/Raptors, Chickens, Sarracenia Plants, Parasites
Fighting Against the Yellow-legged Honret
- The Three Phases of Trapping
- Different Trapping Methods (Including VespaCatch Presentation)
- Attractants: Sugary or Protein-Based?
- Ongoing Research Projects
- Nest Destruction
And many annexes!